Page Updated 02/10/2025      

Achievement Program & Cowcatcher Division Members

. . . This page recognizes Cowcatcher Division Members who have earned and received certificates in the NMRA Achievement Program (AP). Awardees are recognized monthly in the NMRA Magazine at the National and Regional levels. They are awarded their certificates at Cowcatcher Division meetings by the Lone Star Region AP Department Chairman. It is fitting that they be recognized here in the Cowcatcher Division website. After the following list of awardees, there is some general information about the AP.

The following list has been created from the October 2020 through the current 2023 issues of NMRA Magazine (all that are available in the digital magazine database).

Eric Smith. . . Association Volunteer. . . 1/25
David Grein. . . Master Builder - Scenery. . . -/24
Kimberly Hays. . . Association Volunteer. . . 10/24
Samual (Jim) Ogden Jr.. . . Model Railroad Author. . . 8/24
Harold Berenzweig. . . Master Builder - Electrical. . . 8/24
Michel Ross *. . . Master Builder - Prototype Models. . . 8/24
Ken Kaiser. . . Master Builder - Scenery. . . 8/24
Cole Rash. . . Golden Spike. . . 7/24
Harold Berenzweig. . . Golden Spike. . . 7/24
Michael Walter. . . Golden Spike. . . 7/24
Thomas Peppers. . . Golden Spike. . . 7/24
Edward McGinley. . . Golden Spike. . . 7/24
Russell Gifford. . . Master Builder - Structures. . . 7/24
Darrell Cowles. . . Master Builder - Scenery. . . 7/24
Dick Brannan. . . Master Builder - Scenery. . . 7/24
Ezequiel Druan de Anda. . . Master Builder - Scenery. . . 7/24
Harold Berenzweig. . . Master Builder - Scenery. . . 7/24
Russell Gifford. . . Master Builder - Scenery. . . 7/24
Chris Atkins. . . Model Railroad Engineer - Civil. . . 7/24
Darrell Cowles. . . Model Railroad Engineer - Electrical. . . 7/24
Greg McComas. . . Model Railroad Engineer - Electrical. . . 7/24
Darrell Cowles. . . Chief Dispatcher. . . 7/24
Edward McGinley. . . Chief Dispatcher. . . 7/24
Darrell Cowles. . . Association Official. . . 7/24
Russell Gifford. . . Association Volunteer. . . 7/24
Steve Gratke. . . Association Volunteer. . . 7/24
David Steckler. . . Model Railroad Author. . . 7/24
Chris Atkins. . . Chief Dispatcher. . . 12/23
David Crumpton *. . . Chief Dispatcher. . . 10/23
Mike Armstrong. . . Master Builder - Scenery. . . 10/23
Chris Atkins. . . Model Railroad Author. . . 10/23
Chris Atkins. . . Association Volunteer. . . 10/23
David Crumpton *. . . Master Builder - Cars. . . 8/23
John Garfield. . . Master Builder - Cars. . . 8/23
Eric Smith. . . Model Railroad Author. . . 8/23
David Griffith. . . Master Builder - Scenery. . . 6/23
Cole Rash. . . Association Volunteer. . . 3/23
John Romberger. . . Model Railroad Author. . . 2/23
John Romberger. . . Golden Spike. . . 1/23
David Crumpton *. . . Association Volunteer. . . 1/23
John Romberger. . . Master Builder - Cars. . . 12/22
David Crumpton *. . . Master Builder - Structures. . . 7/22
Russell Gifford. . . Golden Spike. . . 4/22
David Crumpton *. . . Model Railroad Engineer-Civil. . . 9/21
Joe Leising. . . Model Railroad Engineer-Electrical. . . 7/21
P.J.Mackey. . . Association Volunteer. . . 7/21
Dean Ferris. . . Golden Spike. . . 5/21
Greg McComas. . . Golden Spike. . . 5/21
David Griffith. . . Master Builder - Structures. . . 5/21
Dean Ferris. . . Master Builder - Scenery. . . 5/21
Greg McComas. . . Master Builder - Scenery. . . 5/21
David Crumpton *. . . Model Railroad Engineer-Electrical. . . 5/21
Greg McComas. . . Model Railroad Engineer-Electrical. . . 5/21
Dean Ferris. . . Chief Dispatcher. . . 5/21
Greg McComas. . . Chief Dispatcher. . . 5/21
Mike Ross *. . . Master Builder - Cars. . . 11/21
Dean Ferris. . . Model Railroad Engineer-Electrical. . . 10/21
Dean Ferris. . . Model Railroad Author. . . 10/21
David Crumpton. . . Golden Spike. . . 2/21
David Crumpton *. . . Master Builder - Scenery. . . 2/21
Joe Leising. . . Association Volunteer. . . 12/20
Mike Ross *. . . Golden Spike. . . 7/20
Mike Ross *. . . Master Builder - Structures. . . 7/20

* Completed MMR

About the NMRA Achievement Program:

"The AP is a system of requirements for demonstrating a superior level of skill in various aspects of our hobby. It covers not only building various types of models, but also building other things which are important to the hobby, such as scenery, structures, track work, and wiring. It also recognizes service to the hobby and the NMRA, which are important as well. The Achievement Program is also a personal commitment to share one's knowledge with others and to encourage them as they also make the AP journey. Use the links on the right to explore the different certificates and requirements. We hope that you will soon find just how easy it is to participate in the Achievement Program, and if you are not yet involved start you off on the right foot." - from NMRA.ORG Website

Here are the 11 AP certificates in 4 organized categories:

Model Railroad Equipment. . . . Master Builder - Motive Power
Master Builder - Cars

Settings. . . . Master Builder - Structures
Master Builder - Scenery
Master Builder - Prototype Models

Engineering and Operation. . . . Model Railroad Engineer - Civil
Model Railroad Engineer - Electrical
Chief Dispatcher

Service to the Hobby. . . . Association Official
Association Volunteer
Model Railroad Author

Note that the Golden Spike is not an AP certificate. If you are new to the AP, take a try at the Golden Spike Award. The Golden Spike's requirements are structured along the same lines as the AP certificates. Thus, earning a Golden Spike prepares you for the AP process and its application paperwork.


Robert G. Jones . . . MMR #8 . . . Deceased
H.D. Connor . . . MMR #17 . . . Deceased
James Packer . . . MMR #124 Earned all 11 Certificates
Robert Mangrum . . . MMR #456
Joe Batson . . . MMR #475 . . . Deceased
Mike Mackey . . . MMR #573
Stan Pirzchalski . . . MMR #639 . . . Deceased
Mike Ross, MD . . . MMR #694
David Crumpton . . . MMR #747

Go to the NMRA website to find extensive information on the NMRA Achievement Program. You will need to log in and go to Achievement Program link in the menu bar at the top of the page. Also, direct help with questions and such can be had from the following Regional and Divisional personnel.

Lone Star Regional AP Department Chairman. . . Duane Richardson, MMR
Cowcatcher Division AP Advisor. . . Mike Mackey, MMR

Duane can be contacted through the LSR Website at the LSR Officers link in the Main Menu.

Mike can be contacted on the Leadership Team page of this website in the Home Page menu.