This is a schedule of programs for the monthly meetings.  Cole Rash is the Division’s program director.  If you have questions about the program schedule, please contact him.  There are many more clinics available on the Lone Star Region Website.

2021 Cowcatcher Division Program Schedule 

January 9 Mainline Modeling in a Small Space Greg McComas
February 13  What is Dead Rail? Pete Steinmetz
March 9 Answering your DCC Questions Bruce Petrarca
April 10 Mining Operations on Your Railroad (It’s not just Coal) Clarence Zink
May 8 Giving Your Railroad a Purpose Duane Richardson
June 12 Summer Cookout and Social Mike Mackey
July 10 Flat Car Make and Take Part 1 Duane Richardson
August 14 Flat Car Make and Take Part 2 Duane Richardson
September 16
Making Trees
Making a silk purse from a sow’s ear
Cole Rash

Jim Ogden

October 9 Roads for your Layout
Jeff Palmer 
November 13 Modeling Deserted Track Rich Mossholder
December 11 Christmas Party and Awards Banquet All