This is Mike Walter's unique Cheapskate and Ohio Railway. This near anagram of a name was suggested by one of Mike's grandsons, AND IT STUCK.
This layout occupies a 30 by 50 foot room upstairs. Mike has an interest in both two rail O scale model railroading and collectable Lionel trains. Unable to decide which hobby should claim the layout space, Mike elected to combine both into the layout.
The three rail portion uses Gargraves flex track while the two rail portion is entirely hand laid with tie plates and lost wax castings. The two rail track is about 90% complete, lacking a couple of passenger yard tracks and locomotive facilities. The three rail track is complete. All Lionel is original before 1955, but friends bring over all makes and models of Hi-rail trains.
The two layouts share the same scenery, but at different levels since there is no way to solve the mechanical problem of a level grade crossing between the two. Curves on each layout are wide enough to permit operation of any model without restriction.
There is no particular prototype for either railroad. Mike can run what he likes and switch the predominant railroad at any time.
