The Black Bear and Bayou Railroad (BB&BR) is a freelance railroad by husband & wife team, Leo & Lorrie Palitti. This unique mushroom designed layout is housed in a detached building in the Palitti backyard (with central heat and AC). The layout is set in the 1940s & 1950s transition era of Steam to Diesel. The trains run from Southern Colorado to the bayous of East Texas and Southwest Louisiana. This HO/HOn3 layout is designed for point to point operations using DCC. Scenery features towering mountains, beautifully painted backdrops, multiple ocean scenes, four turntables, a sound enhanced thunderstorm along with many structures (lots of craftsman kits and scratch built). The six track staging yard features a home made remote switch panel. The layout features a dual gauge yard, switchbacks, an 80" double track helix, two reversing loops and various levels. The LED lighting is setup for both day and night time viewing.
