I enjoy building the small houses and things for my layout. I try to keep to the 1940’s up to early diesel in a place called Woodville, Colorado at Woodann Junction. I build and my sweet wife supervises and makes sure my placement of things is true to life. That is very important.
I started with a plywood top with pink foam on top. To move the layout around on carpet in a spare bedroom, I use large sliders under the table legs. I decided to have a working mine train so I purchased a HOn3 model from Minitrains. The mine train goes through the mountain and around in a constant circle on the smallest radius I could possibly accomplish. That was tough but its neat! I put a door on the back side of the mountain in case of a derailment of the HO or Hon30 trains. So far, no derailments inside the mountain. My mountain made me learn to plaster and stain. I had to make a decision on the throws for the turnouts because of the depth of foam in some areas, I went with Peco turnouts and point motors and dug out an area under the track to mount them. In the more shallow areas, I used the tried and true Tortoise motors. I have a total of 7 turnouts and one small turntable that allows me to put my 4-6-0 steamer in the single engine house that is a JV Haliburton kit with scratch build. My BLI 2-8-0 Consolidation steamer is too long to fit on the turntable. Oh what we sacrifice for lack of space! I also run a EMD NW2 DRGW from BLI. With this I can run 3 trains at once using NCE Power Cab. All of this is just an imagination train layout and not finished by any means, but it is fun and keeps me out of trouble.
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